A cluttered mind can't see anything with clarity, can't make the right decisions, can't stay in the present. anxiety to some people. But some are absolutely ok. In fact, some of us usually the creative ones thrive in clutter. This physical, material clutter is optional to take care of, and if you want to, it is pretty easy, and if you don't want to do it yourself, you can always hire someone.
But mental clutter is a beast. It causes trouble for all of us. Nobody likes mental clutter and it does not help anyone. A cluttered mind can't see anything with clarity, can't make the right decisions, can't stay in the present. And we know, if we can't stay in the present, we start losing our happiness. And it is definitely not good for creativity. With the clutter of all those unwanted thoughts and feeling, the spark of creative thinking goes unnoticed and miss beautiful opportunities to create our masterpiece.
So what to do?
Here is the 3 step solution. 1. First, to notice the clutter. 2. Second, decide to clean it. 3. Third, actually, start cleaning it. And take it to the next level by finding future sources of clutter and eliminate those sources.
Want to know more?
5-Step Process To Get Rid Of Self-Doubter and Reach High Positions https://joinnow.live/s/Qh0w1f
