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Worried about the #recession?

Writer: Ravi RadeRavi Rade

Worried about the #recession?

We are seeing news every day. Chances of recession are getting higher and higher every day.

And it's not just in the news we can see that every time we buy groceries... even basic things such as milk, bread, and butter...prices are going up and up...even almost double for many things.

And... all of sudden all the tech companies have stopped their hiring party...they have turned off the music and have started talking about "perform or else..."

You might have started worrying about what's to come, about your job, and your finances.

And if your finances are already tight, you might be experiencing anxiety.

Well, that's not your fault.

Because we have seen just a few years ago how devastating it can get when a snake of recession brings up all its 10 heads.

Playoffs, long months of unemployment, the stress of interview/job search...

All the financial stress of dipping into savings, not being able to do many basic things.

Adding to it... the tension of health insurance of COBRA expiring.

Now, if you are thinking about all means you are a smart person.

Because many people are delusionally optimistic and ignore all the obvious signs.

But smart people like you see the storm coming.

And... smarter people do something about it.

They take proactive actions.

They strengthen their position in their current job by establishing strong connections with upper management so that if the time comes they won't be on the layoff list.

They get fully ready with a resume, LinkedIn, and interview practice so that if worse comes they can find a better-than-before job in just a week or two.

And these two things turn everything around.

Worry and anxiety about the future turn into confidence and courage to not only survive any storm but also thrive.

Because we have seen, even in the worse storm of COVID, smarter people have actually become millionaires.

You have a choice too.

To upgrade yourself from smart to smarter.

See what those smarter people are doing to #recessionproof their current position to avoid #layoff and be fully ready in case it comes.

Register to watch this free training.


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